Oceans of Opportunity: A Change of Tide

The UK-MaRes Hub is proud to be contributing to #OceansOfOpportunity, a digital series from the Institute of Marine Engineering, Science & Technology (IMarEST) and Content with Purpose. This documentary will explore the vital work of marine professionals, highlighting how their knowledge, skills, and innovations are advancing the blue economy, while safeguarding the ocean and its precious ecosystem.  IMarEST has partnered with Content With Purpose to launch ‘Oceans of Opportunity: A Change of Tide’, a pioneering digital series that underscores the marine industry’s role in addressing sustainability challenges and improving ocean health.

As part of the series, UK-MaRes Hub features in a short documentary and thought leadership interview to showcase the research going on across the Hub and features some of our world-class research facilities. These include Newcastle University’s Cavitation Tunnel at the Port of Blyth and their Hydrolab in the Armstrong Building, Newcastle.

Prof Ying Xie (Cranfield University), Dr Serkan Turkmen (Newcastle University) and Dr Janie Ling-Chin and Prof Tony Roskilly (Durham University), leverage their research expertise to provide valuable insights into UK-MaRes Hub’s work. Their focus is on the scale-up and safety of alternative fuels, the adaptation of ship designs to accommodate these new fuels, the unique role ports play in the decarbonisation of the sector and the need for stakeholders and policymakers to collaborate to ensure real-world impact. Visit our YouTube channel to watch the videos.

Special thanks to the Port of Tyne and Port of Blyth for allowing us to film on site.

The series previewed on 28th November at IMarEST’s Sir Stanley Gray Lecture at Queen Mary University of London.

To explore the full series and contributors please visit OceansOfOpportunity.


Costas Grammenos Centre for Shipping, Trade and Finance -5th Athens Triennial Meeting

The Costas Grammenos Centre for Shipping, Trade and Finance celebrated it’s 40th anniversary, and 5th triennial meeting in Athens, themed around “Industry challenges: A global perspective from Athens”. 

Dr Ioannis Motsuiris, of Bayes business school, member of the UK National Clean Maritime Research Consortium (theme lead for operations, exploitation of digitalisation and green shipping) provided a presentation entitled “Shipping Sustainability: Economic & Financial Perspectives”, to an audience of excellent peers and panellists.

This presentation highlighted the UK MaRes Hub, related research at Bayes, and the findings from his recent paper: Determinants of the price premium for eco vessels”. 

Further information on this event can be found on: 5th Athens Triennial Meeting | Bayes Business School (city.ac.uk)