Clean Maritime Network+
Facilitating knowledge exchange across the maritime sector, to maximise outputs and research impact to propel the maritime industry towards decarbonisation.
Facilitating Knowledge Exchange and Dissemination
The Clean Maritime Network+ acts as a forum to facilitate knowledge exchange and dissemination of research and policy outcomes from the Hub and all relevant UKRI, UK SHORE and other research and innovation activity, to share best practice, accelerate exploitation and maximise impact.
This is being delivered through a managed programme of regional public engagement, policy events, webinars, seminars, CPD, conferences and annual assemblies. This will also enable capacity building and skills development with the addition of secondments and reverse-mentoring opportunities supported by flexible funding.
The Network+ programme is aimed at academic researchers, policy makers, industrial partners and anyone with an interest in maritime decarbonisation.
If you are interested in joining our mailing list and hearing about Clean Maritime Network+ opportunities and events, please contact admin.clean-maritime-research-hub@durham.ac.uk
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