Spotlight on Policy
At the heart of the UK-MaRes Hub’s programme of activity is a commitment to work closely with civic bodies and policymakers to drive forward meaningful change for the sector. To enable the research being undertaken by the Hub to connect with key stakeholders, we’re delighted to have appointed Dr Claire Copeland as the Hub’s Policy Fellow.
Claire brings wide ranging experience to the Hub and has previously undertaken research for the Centre of Energy Integration Systems (CESI) and Centre for Research into Energy Demand Solutions (CREDS) programmes. She has previously secured a research fellowship for the Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology and for several years supported academics with policy impact from their research in the Policy@Sussex initiative.
Claire has a PhD in Science and Technology Policy Studies from the University of Sussex exploring the development of exploratory energy futures on subnational scales. Prior to this she has an MSc in Sustainable Development from the University of Surrey.
Recently Claire has undertaken research on regional decarbonisation for the Durham Energy Institute in partnership with the North East Local Enterprise Partnership, and supported local SMEs under the Arrow Innovation programme helping progress innovative business initiatives.
Claire says about the role: “I am thrilled to join UK-MaRes working on knowledge exchange and mobilisation between the Hub and policy. With 95% of goods arriving in the UK by ship among many other important functions, decarbonisation of this sector plays an important role in fighting climate change.”
Claire will be working with the Hub’s Co-Director, Prof Patricia Thornley (Aston University) and lead of the Clean Maritime Research Policy Unit, to ensure that the key messages from our research reach the right audiences, providing policymakers with access to relevant research expertise.
The Hub has been working with the Department for Transport (DfT) on identifying opportunities to achieve short-term greenhouse gas emissions reductions in the maritime sector and provided evidence as part of the recent IMO Negotiations.
Lifecycle Analysis experts from the Hub are also part of the UN’s Joint Group of Experts on the Scientific Aspects of Marine Environmental Protection (GESAMP).