Explosion free in fire self-venting (TPRD-less) Type IV tanks: Validation under extreme impinging 70 MPa hydrogen jet fire conditions
High-pressure hydrogen jet fire from a storage tank impinging another tank located nearby is a worst-case incident scenario. This could result in storage vessel rupture with catastrophic consequences implying life and property loss. The concept of microleaks-no-burst (μLNB) performance of hydrogen storage tanks of Type IV is explained. In this study, the breakthrough safety technology of explosion free in fire self-venting (TPRD-less) tank with nominal working pressure (NWP) of 70 MPa is validated again st the most extreme fire conditions of an impinging hydrogen jet from 70 MPa tank. The results of the successful performance of self-venting tank in momentum-dominated hydrogen impinging jet fire are analysed. This work expands further the experimental validation domain of the explosion free in fire self-venting tanks to scenario of impinging fire of the highest applied intensity of HRR/A = 19.5 MW/m2.”
Molkov V, Kashkarov S, Makarov D. Explosion free in fire self-venting (TPRD-less) Type IV tanks: Validation under extreme impinging 70 MPa hydrogen jet fire conditions. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Volume 48, Issue 100, 30 December 2023, Pages 40117-40126. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijhydene.2023.09.020
Publication accessible via: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijhydene.2023.09.020