On the 1st of February 2024, the Clean Maritime Research Partnership met at Connected Places Catapult (London), to explore the role of digitalisation in decarbonising the maritime sector.

Session 1 included an introduction to the UK National Clean Maritime Research Hub (UK-MaRes Hub), outlining the purpose, vision, and overview of the programme of activity. There was an opportunity to meet colleagues working in the Hub, followed by a presentation from Mark Wray, Ecosystem Director of Maritime and Ports at Connected Places Catapult.

Session 2 featured presentations from key maritime stakeholders, including:

  • Justin Anderson (Director of the Digital Twin Hub at Connected Places Catapult)
  • Eleanor Hadland (Director of Hadland Maritime)
  • Owain Brennan (Director of SeerBi)

Following the presentations, participants took part in workshop activities to Map the Digital Landscape.

Clean Maritime Research Partnership members looking at a presentation introducing the Clean Maritime Research Hub subgroups, hosted by Tony Roskilly, director of the UK National Clean Maritime Research Hub. Attendees are seated around tables, the room is full.
Photograph of the CMRP event, where prof Tony Roskilly (UK-MaRes Hub Director) is seen introducing the Hub’s working groups.

A Focus on Flexible Funding

As part of the morning session, attendees were invited to vote on the topics for UK-MaRes Hub’s first flexible funding call, ensuring that the themes were relevant to academia and industry, and had the potential for real-world impact. Of the 14 options presented, the following priority areas were agreed to be the focus of the Wave 1 Funding Call:

  • Real-time vessel data communication.
  • Novel energy solutions for ports.
  • Ammonia and liquid hydrogen bunkering/debunkering.
  • Risk and uncertainty regarding marine regulations and policy implications.
  • Modal shift: utilising coastal shipping to move freight to create marine freight highways.
  • Novel energy-saving devices to improve vessel efficiency.
  • Novel cost-effective nuclear propulsion systems.